Dressing to impress. Showing off to gain attention and popularity. Not being your real self because who you really are just isn't "good enough". Wait. Wait. Wait! Something seems kind of wrong here...
Beauty. Our world pressures girls to dress a certain way, act a certain way, and to just be a certain way. What the world can see is way too important to way too many people. Outward beauty is way too important to the world.
When girls fail to meet our world's high standards of how we are supposed to look, act, etc. we feel like we have failed and degrade ourselves because of it. It can even get to the point where we hate ourselves because of it.
Boys can feel pressured to look good in front of others. And when they don't meet the world's standards, which they never truly can, they feel like they failed. They feel like failures...
But is that what is truly important? Does it really matter what the world sees? Does it really matter how they judge us? What standard they hold us to? Does it?
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7, NKJV)
Don't worry about what the world sees you as. Don't worry about what they tell you to be. Worry about being truly beautiful on the inside. Worry about how the Lord sees you. This is what is truly important.
"As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever. (1 Chronicles 28:9)
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