Saturday, November 3, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

The last few months, I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with a young man in my church to organize the packing of 60 boxes. We planned and planned and planned some more. We did 4 fundraisers. We went shopping. We accepted donations of items to fill the boxes and money to help send them and buy items to fill the boxes. We even received a donation from Wal-Mart.
Today, we got together with our many boxes and items (pretty much all of these have been all over my room for the last couple of weeks :P) and wrapped and packed 60 boxes with the help of our parents, my siblings, and some friends who are the "OCC (Operation Christmas Child) experts". Within about 3 hours, we had them all finished. We now have to have pictures printed, notes written, and info sheets about ourselves printed. :P It has been a lot of work and a lot of fun. Next year, our goal according to Mr. David (the young man's dad) is 100 boxes. Anyone want to help?!?!?!
In this project, the Lord has shown me Himself by providing in many different ways! All praise and glory should go to Him and Him alone!
For those of you who don't know what OCC is, it is a project an organization called Samaritan's Purse, which is run by Billy Graham's son, does every year. In the middle of November, they take in boxes that have been packed by individuals, churches, families, etc. They then send these boxes to children around the world that wouldn't normally get a Christmas gift. These boxes have touched the hearts of many including the parents of the children receiving them. These boxes could contain items they needed in order to go to school, these boxes could have everyday items in there that the children needed badly, and most importantly, these boxes are a tool to sharing the Lord with these precious children.
Items that can be packed in a box include: hygiene items, school supplies, candy, toys, a personal letter/picture from the person/family/group that packed that box, etc.
Please pray for the children who will be receiving these boxes this year. Pray that they will be touched and come to know the Father. Pray for their families and their community.  Pray for the people distributing these boxes and sharing the love of Jesus with these children and their families.
Operation Christmas Child. Get involved.

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