Friday, October 31, 2014

There is much controversy about whether or not humans came from nothingness or if they were actually created. Evolutionists believe that man is nothing more than an “advanced” animal. Creationists believe that God created man for a reason and a purpose. I am going to briefly discuss both of these views, and then maybe by the end you will see which one would make more sense.

Evolutionists believe in the big bang: matter exploding and then life suddenly evolving. First of all, where did the energy come from to cause such a big mass of matter to explode? They do not know. Second, how could life suddenly come out of, well, something that doesn’t have life? Yeah, they say it evolved, but who wants to tell me how an explosion caused life to suddenly start evolving. And then there is the whole thing of since when does an explosion create order? So, evolutionists are pretty much saying, “Hey guys, we dropped a bomb on a junk yard and it cleaned it all up and created cars, houses, and other useful items because of the energy caused by an explosion.” How does that even make sense?!

Creationists believe that God made the world and created humans. Now, I know to some people that thought is crazy. God?! Since when is there a God? All I have to say is look around you. When you see a painting, what do you think? Did the painting just happen or did there have to be an artist painting it? Now think about that instead with the world. The earth is amazingly made. It doesn’t look like a result of an explosion. How is there so much order and beauty? Did that just evolve? If God really did create the world and humans, think about the difference it could have on a person’s way of thinking. Also think about what that would mean for humans. That would give us a purpose. The Bible says we are made in the image of God. If this is true, that means we have souls and spirits because God also does. This also would mean we are above the animals. After all, animals aren’t made in the image of God. The same goes for plants.

All I’m trying to say is look around you. Is all this here only by chance? Or is there something more to all this? Maybe people don’t want to believe in a Creator because they would have someone to answer to. If we are just highly advanced animals, we wouldn’t have to answer to anyone. Think about it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Spa for your Soul

This past weekend, I went on a retreat with some women from my church.
The weekend was called- A Spa for your Soul. It was a time of encouragement and relaxation for many of the ladies.
I love our women's retreats because you go and feel so loved and appreciated by all the ladies. You can be yourself without worrying about being judged.
At the retreat, I wouldn't really say I learned anything, but I would say that it was encouraging.
I tried to be a blessing and encouragement to others also.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dear Friend...

I recently took some time by myself and started writing. This is what came out.
I have a heart for the hurting. It came out of my heart. I am thinking about writing something like this for those who do not know the love of God or His Son.
Thanks for reading. <3

Dear Friend,
Why are you doing this to yourself?
When I think of your plight, my heart hurts for you. It breaks for you. So, if you will, please listen carefully to my words.
You are loved. You are loved more than you can even imagine. Look around- even if it may not always seem like it, your family loves you so very much. You mean the world to them. And where your family may fall short, always remember there is a God above who loves you so much. More than anyone is even capable of loving you.
You are needed. You have a purpose and a plan. Satan will do everything in hi power to keep you from fulfilling it. Someone once told me something to the effect that- maybe the reason for all these struggles is because Satan is doing all in his power to keep you from becoming who you were meant to be.
You are not worthless. You have so much worth. You have the ability to touch, bless, and encourage those around you. And you do even if you can not see it. And if that's not enough, think of this- God sent His Son to die for you because He looked down and saw how beautiful, precious, and special you are.
So, my dear friend, put down that knife. Do not listen to the lies of the Devil and other in your life who don't want to see God work through you to fulfill His purpose and plan for your life.
There is hope.
Do not leave this earth before God is ready to take you home. It isn't for you to decide. Leave it to Him to hold your life in His hands because His timing and plan are so perfect.
Please hand in there and do not be afraid to cry out to HIM, the Comforter and Savior. And do not be afraid to seek people to encourage and pray for you.
You are not alone.

Remember, your worth is priceless- so very precious.
Have you ever had that feeling in your chest where you can just feel your heart break because you love and feel for someone or something so much?
Well, I have. Just recently, I have seen my God-given gift become more evident then ever. Listening to the stories of broken people breaks my heart. I can feel it. Sometimes it's almost overwhelming. Sometimes it makes you want to burst out into tears because you feel for someone so bad.
What about the time where you invest so much time into a hurting, struggling person and you find yourself watching them travel further down that painful road? Does it drive you to your knees because of the heart full of compassion you were given for them?
Our world is in need of compassionate people. The kind of people who's compassion leads them to act- to do something for this broken world full of broken people.