Sunday, July 8, 2012

Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible reading. Why is this so hard for us?? I know many youth who struggle in the area. I also do. But why?? Why do we all struggle with this? I know we are human, but we are, as Christian youth, supposed to set the example! Look at 1 Timothy 4:12 for example: "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." I want to encourage everyone to work on reading your Bible daily.

Friendship is Like a Flower Garden

Friendship is Like a Flower Garden

Friendship is like a flower garden tended by the Lord.
He is the faithful Gardener who carefully tends the garden. 
The Gardener will water the relationships and fertilize them for growth. 
If you allow the Lord to take care of your relationships, they will bloom As a carefully tended garden,
But if you fail to allow Him to tend it, the beauty of it will wither away and die.
Beware of the beautiful rose relationships!
Though the flower is a delight to the eyes as well as the nose,
The thorns of bitterness will prick and tear.
The weeds in the garden are like Satan who tries to choke and destroy the beautiful flowers.
Beware of him dear friends!
Don’t allow weeds to grow in your relationships.
Allow the Gardener to tend and care for them.
Friendships can be compared to a flower garden.
Whose is your tended by?


I am up in Sylvang!! It is like a little Danish town tucked away in the hills. :) It is amazing up here! Anyways, here are some pictures I took last night. I think the pictures aren't near as good as they show though.

Mud fight!! :)

So, have any of you ever seen a mud fight played out?? Well, I did. Plus I was a big target too!! :) My sisters and I found some water puddles, and we all started throwing mud at each other, sliding around in it, and getting altogether filthy! Here is an after pic!

May 10, 2012

I feel weird posting this but here it goes anyway....


This was my amazing dog who we put to sleep on
May 10. I miss her, but I am glad she is out of her misery..
It kind of makes you wonder if there are animals in heaven and if so, if our pets are up there too.

I love you, Bear!  You were an awesome dog!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Friendships. The Lord has blessed me greatly with many friends, but I am afraid maybe I don't quite understand what real friendship is. I want my friendships to be a three strand type because they aren't easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). To me, in this friendship, the Lord should be first and the most important. I want to give something to my friends. I want them to be able to know that I will always be there for them. I want to be able to have them be there for me too. Even with all my faults, I want them to love me and never leave me to stand there alone. I want this and more with my friendship with the Lord because I know He will never fail me. Humans are definitely capable of letting others down even their closest friends (I know I have), but I hope that if you need me as a friend that I will be there for you no matter what.